Wigmore clinic
Ani Rapyan
Ani Rapyan

2006-2011 -Bachelor of Medical Sciences, Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, RA

2011-2013 -Qualification of a doctor, medical practice, Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, RA

2013-2016-Qualification of a specialist doctor in the field of cardiology, University Hospital No. 1, Department of General and Invasive Cardiology, Yerevan, RA

12.112018 – 12.02 2019 - Additional specialization "Echocardiography", University Hospital No. 1, Hospital Department of General and Invasive Cardiology, Yerevan, RA

2016-2021 - Postgraduate student of the Department of Cardiology, Faculty of General Medicine, YSMU, Yerevan, RA

2021 - present - Candidate, Department of Cardiology, Faculty of General Medicine, YSMU, Yerevan, RA

Trainings and conferences

2016, 2021-Teacher retraining Yerevan, Armenia

July 2017- Cardiac MRI Training course, Salzburg, Austria

2018 January 7-13-Seminar "Pediatric Cardiology", Salzburg, Austria

March 1 to May 31 2020-International Credit Mobility Scholarship Program implemented within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, University of Santiago de Compostela, USC (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), PhD in Cardiology, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

27-28.05. 2016-MRI for clinicians, Yerevan, Armenia

27-29.09. 2018-Yerevan Cardiology Forum 2018, Yerevan, Armenia

4-6. 07. 2019-5th International Medical Congress of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia

8-10. 07. 2021-13th Assembly of the Association of Cardiologists of Armenia-Yerevan, Armenia

2015-2016 - Advisor to the Rector of YSMU, Yerevan, RA
2016-2019 - Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Associate Professor of YSMU, Yerevan, RA
2019 - present - Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, lecturer at YSMU, Yerevan, RA
2016 - present - Educational Simulation Center, Associate Professor of YSMU, Yerevan, Armenia
2017-2019 - Cardiologist of the hospital complex No. 1 "Heratsi", Therapy Clinic No. 2, Yerevan, RA
2019-present - Cardiologist of the Therapy Clinic, Mikaelian Institute of Surgery, Yerevan, Armenia
2018-2022- Cardiologist of the Armenak and Anna Tadeosyan Medical Center, Kosh RA
2018 - present -Wigmore Clinic CJSC, Cardiologist, Yerevan, RA