Wigmore clinic

The following tests are available in Wigmore Clinic

  • Skin prick tests for allergen identification
  • Allergen identification via blood tests (specific IgE detection)

Allergologycal service in Wigmore Clinic deals with following conditions:

  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Acute or chronical urticarial/ angioedema
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Food allergies
  • Drug allergies
  • Specific immunotherapy

Untroubled life for you without irritating allergy.

Sevan Iritsyan
Sevan Iritsyan
+374 12 345 678

2017: Training in immunology laboratory skills at the University Hospital Homburg, Germany
2014 - 2016: Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Clinical residency, Allergology and clin. immunology
2009-2010: Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Internship
2003-2009: Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Faculty of Military Medicine, 

Trainings, certificates

2018: Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Munich, Germany
2018: EAACI 2018 Fellow
2018: Training within the WHO National Immunization Technical Advisory Group, Copenhagen, Denmark

2022 - up to now: Lecturer at the Department of Physiology of YSU, Faculty of Biology
2020 - up to now: Lecturer at the Department of Hematology and Transfusion of the National Institute of Health
2019 - up to now: RA Ministry of Health consultant on immunology
2023 - up to now: «Wigmore Clinic», Allergist/Immunologist
2023 - up to now: Yerevan MC, head of lab service
2018 - 2023: Head of the lab service of Arabkir MC
2016 - 2018: Doctor allergist-immunologist at the Medical Genetics Center
2013 - 2016: Executive manager at MIBS medical diagnostic center
2013 - 2010: Military doctor at Armed Forces RA
2009 - 2010: «Nairi», Medical Center, medical assistant

* Dear visitor, the prices of the services presented on the website are indicative and may be changed at the moment. Please pay attention to the cost of the service presented to you during registration.
** Consultations for patients who are not RA citizens will vary between 10,000-35,000 AMD, and the cost of surgical interventions will depend on their type.
Allergology, spirometry
Allergology, spirometry
Сonsultation, Sevan Iritsyan
17 000
Դեղորայքային Prick թեսթ
13 000
Դեղորայքային Prick թեսթ,յուր. հաջորդ
2 000
Իմունոգլոբուլին E ընդհանուր ալերգիկ մարկեր
4 500
30 000
Food allergens (12 allergens)
20 000
Food allergens (20 allergens)
30 000
Սննդ․ պրովոկացիոն թեսթ արտահիվանդանոցային
50 000
Սննդ․ պրովոկացիոն թեսթ հիվանդանոցային
60 000
Շնչառական ալերգեններ (12 ալերգեն)
20 000
Շնչառական ալերգեններ (20 ալերգեն)
30 000
F դասի ալերգեններ /fx5 սննդային խառնուրդ/
11 000
F դասի ալերգեններ /սոյա/
6 000