Wigmore Clinic offers wide range of otorhinolaryngologic services, particularly:
- Endoscopic and Computer tomographic diagnostics of otorhinolaryngologic pathologies
- Conservative treatment of chronic or acute otorhinolaryngologic pathologies
- Adenoid vegetations
- Nasal breathing difficulties of different etiology
- Acute and chronic otitis
- Sinusitis
- Rhinosinusitis
Planned and urgent surgical treatment of various otorhinolaryngologic pathologies such as:
- Adenotomies
- Tonsillectomies
- Abscess ectomy of peritonsillar zone
- Reposition of nasal bones
- Tympanotomy
- Myringotomy and ear-tube placement
- Nasal synechiae ectomy
- Septoplasty
- Surgical treatment of hypertrophic and vasomotor rhinitis
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries (FESS)
Due to patient centered and individualized approach our specialists provide comfortable and warm atmosphere.

2003 - 2005: Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute - Otorhinolaryngology, graduate student.
1999 - 2002: National Institute of Health RA, graduate student
1996 - 1999: Clinical resident of the Department of Diseases of Otorhinolaryngology of Yerevan State Medical University
1990 - 1996: YSMU - Faculty of Medicine
Candidate of Medical Sciences, author of 13 scientific articles and one invention, Dissertation “Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of various methods of intralaryngeal microsurgery in the treatment of benign tumors of the larynx.”
Since 2024: " Wigmore Women's and children's hospital " - Surgeon-otolaryngologist, Yerevan, Armenia
Since 2013: Head of endoscopic service of otorhinolaryngology - MC "Izmirlyan"
2006 - 2013: Head of otorhinolaryngology service - "Shengavit" MC
2006 - 2010: Otorhinolaryngologist "Medline" Medical Center
2004 - 2005: Otorhinolaryngologist Polyclinic No. 96, St. Petersburg
2002 - 2003: Head of medicine of the anti-doping department National Olympic Committee of Armenia
2001 - 2002: Otorhinolaryngologist Polyclinic № 19,

2022 - 2023
Yerevan State Medical University, Clinical Residency in Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Yerevan, Armenia
2015 – 2017
Yerevan State Medical University, PHD Yerevan, Armenia
1998 – 2001
National Institute of Health after Academician S. Avdalbekyan, Clinical ENT Residency, Yerevan, Armenia
1992 – 1998
Yerevan State Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine, Yerevan, Armenia
Trainings, certificates
“ QA Specialist “ QuickStart, ArmSTQB, Yerevan, Armenia
22.06.2014 - 26.06.2014
25th Congress of the EU rhinology Society from, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2nd meeting of European Academy of ORL HNS and CE ORL HNS, Nice, France
01.06.2013 - 05.06.2013
20th IFOS World Congress, Seoul, Korea
29.03.2012 01.04.2012
5th world Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Brain and FESS Vienna, Austria
26.10.2009 - 11.12.2009
Training of Emergency Aid at ENT traumas Yerevan, Armenia
Teaching Course on Pediatric Allergology In cooperation with the University Children’s Hospital of Zurich, Yerevan, Armenia
06.04.2005 - 08.04.2005
Teaching Course on Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) in Children, In cooperation with the University Children’s Hospital of Zurich, Local organizer, Yerevan, Armenia
07.09.1999 - 10.09.1999
VII Annual Assembly of International Academy of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Local organizer, Yerevan, Armenia
Work experience
2022 - up to now
Wigmore Hospital For Children, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia
2019 - up to now
Wigmore Clinic, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia
2013 - 2022
Elit Med Medical Center, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia
2008 -2019
Arabkir Joint Medical Center, Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Pediatric ENT Department, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia
2005 - 2011
Hrazdan Medical Center, ENT Department, ENT Surgeon, Hrazdan, Armenia
2005 - 2008
St. Grigor Lusavorich Medical Center, ENT Department, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia
2003 - 2005
St. Nerses Mets Medical Center, ENT Department, ENT Surgeon, Yerevan, Armenia

2012 - 2018
Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Faculty of General Medicine
"Erebuni" Hospital, Clinical resident of otolaryngology
Republican Hospital "Muratsan", Clinical Resident in Pediatric Otolaryngology
Work experience
03.2022 - 02.2023
"Hearing Academy" of Da Vinci Clinic, Otorhinolaryngologist, specialized in hearing prosthetics,
Wigmore Hospital For Children, pediatric otolaryngologist

- correction of nasal septum deformation
- operations of the inferior turbinates: vasotomy, ultrasonic disintegration, lateroposition, conchotomy,
- surgical interventions on the laryngeal cavity: hypomotomy, ethmoidotomy,
- removal of polyps: polypotomy
- removal of tonsils: tonsillectomy
- removal of adenoids
- shortening of a long tongue
- conservative treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear