Wigmore Women’s & Children’s Hospital

Immunization service at Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital, guided by scientific recommendations in the field of immunoprophylaxis, according to the World Health Organization and other international organizations, offers the following services:

  • scheduling of vaccinations from the neonatal period
  • preparation of individual vaccination schedule in following cases:                                                                     

            - catch-up schedule                                                                                                                                                       

            - in special situations (immunosuppression, removal of the spleen, transplantation, hemostasis disorders, use of drugs containing immunoglobulins, chronic diseases).

Before vaccination, a pediatrician's consultation is conducted (for adults, the pre-vaccination checklist is being filled) with subsequent recommendations regarding possible post-vaccination reactions.

Vaccines are:

- safe

- effective

- prevent the development of severe complications due to infectious diseases

- preserve health and longevity, improve the quality of life

- contribute to the formation of herd immunity

By vaccinating your child on time, you protect your child and everyone else as well.

Lilit Marutyan
Lilit Marutyan
+374 12 345 678



Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Faculty of Pediatrics


Yerevan Pediatric Hospital No. 4, Internship "Pediatrics"

Trainings, certificates

09.05.2022 - 13.05.2022

ESPID (European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases) Annual Congress, Athens, Greece (online)


ESPID (European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases) Wiser Immuniser Management Course
(12 hours online course)


International Pediatric Association training on the " Trust in Vaccine" topic, online 

16.03.2020 - 17.04.2020

Teach to Reach Level 1 Certification, The Geneva Learning Foundation, online course

16.12.2019 - 18.12.2019

Training Course on the "Vaccine Safety" topic, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

19.11.2018 - 23.11.2018

"Immunization for Middle Managers" and "Immunization in Practice" courses, RA Ministry of Health, International Children's Center WHO Collaborating Center

12.11.2018 - 16.11.2018

"Training for Trainers" of healthcare professionals, RA Ministry of Health, International Children's Center WHO Collaborating Center

08.10.2018 - 10.10.2018

ESPGHAN Eastern European Summer School, Yerevan, RA

25.01.2018 - 12.02.2018

"Skills to use the electronic healthcare program", first class specialist, American University of Armenia, RA Ministry of Health, Yerevan, Armenia

03.09.2017 - 29.09.2017

Department of Medical Biochemistry, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

06.05.2013 - 31.05.2013

Department of General Pediatrics, Hospital of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria

21.09.2008 - 27.09.2008

"Pediatric Internal Medicine/Nephrology" CHOP Seminar, Salzburg, Austria

11.01.2003 - 22.01.2003

Training program on "General pediatrics, neonatology, intensive care", The New Kasr Al-Aini Teaching Hospital of Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

Work experience

2022 - up to now

Wigmore Hospital For Children, Paediatrician, Head of Immunization Service

2022 - up to now

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, National Institutes of Health

2021 - up to now

Member of the RA National Expert Advisory Group on Immunization

2020 - up to now

Wigmore Clinic, Paediatrician, Head of Immunization Service


"Vardanants" Innovative Medicine Center, head of pediatric service


"Vardanants" Innovative Medicine Center, pediatrician


Pediatric polyclinic "Armenia", regional pediatrician


National Institutes of Health, courses for health workers


FIDEC Armenia, courses for medical workers


World Vision Armenia, courses for physicians of primary medical care

Irina Mamyan
Head of Immunization Service
Irina Mamyan
Head of Immunization Service
+374 12 345 678



National Institute of Health, Resident in the Department of General Pediatrics, Yerevan, Armenia


Yerevan State Medical University, Department of General Medicine, Yerevan, Armenia

Trainings, certificates

09.05.2022 – 13.05.2022

ESPID seminar, online, Athens, Greece

09.10.2016 – 15.10.2016

“Emergency Medicine” OMI-CHOP seminar, Salzburg, Austria

09.12.2015 – 12.12.2015

“Excellence in Pediatrics” conference, London, England

16.06.2014 – 29.06.2014

Triage and intensive care in the primary care, Moscow, Russia

Work experience

2020 – up to now

Wigmore Hospital For Children, Pediatrician, Yerevan, Armenia

2009 – up to now

Yerevan State Medical University, Department of Pediatrics, Assistant, Yerevan, Armenia

2016 - 2019

Vardanants MC, Pediatrician, Yerevan, Armenia

2014 - 2016

“Arabkir” Medical Center Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Pediatrician, Emergency department Yerevan, Armenia

2009 -2014

“Arabkir” Medical Center Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, General pediatrician, doctor on duty, Yerevan, Armenia