Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, so breast health and accurate and early detection of diseases are given special attention. In the mammology department of Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital, the patient can receive a high-quality breast examination using the latest equipment, and if pathological changes are detected, precise and careful treatment. The activities of the mammology department are conventionally divided into two large groups: diagnostic services and treatment services. Diagnostic services are provided by radiologists specializing in breast pathology using modern and high-quality equipment.
Diagnostic services are:
- Breast sonography
- Preventive mammography for breast screening
- Three-slice digital mammography of the breast
- Contrast mammography of the breast
- Trephine and stereotactic breast biopsy
Medical services provided by a specialized oncologist-mammologist include:
- Consultation with a mammologist-oncologist
- Conservative treatment of benign breast diseases
Surgical methods for treating benign breast problems:
- Removal of benign tumors
- Breast reduction for gigantomastia
- Aesthetic breast surgery
- Correction of defects of previous breast surgery using lipofilling and/or oncoplastic surgery.
- When detecting breast cancer, complex accurate diagnosis / histological examination, immunohistochemical study of cancer, multi-organ stratigraphy /.
- Outpatient surgical and conservative treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland.
The department works closely with the hospital's gynecology and urogynecology departments to treat breast problems that arise during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Faculty of General Medicine
YSMU Hospital Complex N1 and "Artmed" Medical Rehabilitation Center, Clinical Residency
National Institute of Health after Academician S. Avdalbekyan MoH RA, Chair of Oncology, Clinical Residency
Since 2022
Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital, Head of Mammography Service
Since 2022
"Vardanants" Innovative Medical Center, Head of Mammography Service
Since 2018
"Erebouni" Medical Center, Head of Mammology and Breast Surgery Service
Republican Center of Cosmetology and Plastic Surgery, Consultant-Mammologist

National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Moscow, Russian Federation
Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, Faculty of General Medicine
Residency at the National Institute of Health named after S. Avdalbekyan, specializing in radiology diagnostics.
Yerevan Garrison Hospital, radiologist
Charitable organization "Alfa-Pharm", radiologist
year 2009
«Normed» LLC, radiologist

"System of reporting and data on visualization of the breast" Armenian School of Radiology
"Modern questions of ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology, perinatology and neonatology" Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi
"Actual issues of mammography" YSMU, Armenian-American Medical Center
" Ultrasound in Oncology" Research Institute of Oncology after Petrov, St. Petersburg.
Clinical residency "Rentgenological diagnostics"
Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi.
Master's degree - Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi.
Faculty of General Medicine, qualification of a doctor, Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi.
Since 2019
Innovative Medical Center "Vardanants", sonographer
2016 - 2019
Medline Medical Center, sonographer
2017 - 2018
Medline Medical Center, mammographer