Wigmore Women’s & Children’s Hospital


The Pediatric Neurosurgery Service of Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital  carries out diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment of various diseases of the central nervous system, including:

  • Malformations of the brain and spinal cord: hydrocephalus, Chiari malformation, cranial and spinal hernias (spina bifida), diastematomyelia, etc.
  • Skull reconstructive surgeries (syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis, skull defects)
  • Acute cerebral blood circulation disorders and vascular defects (ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, arteriovenous and cavernous malformations, aneurysms, etc.)
  • Central nervous system benign and malignant neoplasms
  • Infectious, parasitic and fungal diseases of central nervous system
  • Craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries
  • Neuroendoscopy
  • Spasticity and other movement disorders
  • Epilepsy surgery

The neurosurgical service is equipped with modern necessary medical equipment, patient treatment tactics are discussed with the best specialists from abroad, based on the best standards of evidence-based medicine.

The culture of multidisciplinary teamwork and round-the-clock availability of the service allow us to achieve the best possible results in the most complex situations requiring urgent medical care.

The neurosurgery service offers a treatment plan that not only cures the disease, but also improves the quality of life.

Eduard Asatryan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
Head of Pediatric Neurosurgery Service
Eduard Asatryan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
Head of Pediatric Neurosurgery Service
+374 12 345 678



Ph.D. in Medicine, thesis "Surgical treatment of pediatric focal epilepsy"


St-Petersburg Neurosurgery Research Institute, Postgraduate study on Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery

2008 - 2011

Yerevan State Medical University, Residency on Pediatric Neurosurgery

2002 - 2008

Yerevan State Medical University, General Medicine, M.D.

Trainings, certificates


"Neuroendoscopy course", Burdenko neurosurgry institute, Moscow, Russia


"Neurooncology course", Salzburg medical seminars, Salzburg, Austria

Work experience

2022 - up to now

Wigmore Hospital For Children, neurosurgeon

2015 - 2022

"Sourb Astvatsamayr" MC, Yerevan, Armenia, Pediatric neurosurgical department, neurosurgeon


St-Petersburg Neurosurgery Research Institute, Pediatric neurosurgical department, neurosurgeon, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Armen Nazaryan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
Armen Nazaryan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
+374 12 345 678


09.2017 - 07.2022

Yerevan State Medical University, Faculty of Neurosurgery

09.2019 - 07.2017

Yerevan State Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine


Work experience

12.2022 - up to now

Wigmore Hospital For Children, Neurosurgeon

09.2020 - 12.2022

Sourb Astvatsamayr MC, Neurosurgeon

04.2019 - 01.2020

Neurozentrum Bern, Intraoperative neuromonitoring specialist/neurophysiologist

Paylak Sujyan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
Paylak Sujyan
Pediatric neurosurgeon
+374 12 345 678

08/2020 - 08/2024 Neurosurgery, Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi
09/2012 - 06/2020, General Medicine, Yerevan State Medical University


08/2024 – 09/2024 Medical University of Vienna, Department of Neurosurgery 
04/2024 – 04/2024 IRCCS Instituto delle Scienze Neurologiche di Bologna (ISBN)
01/2024 - Present
Wigmore Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Neurosurgeon

09/2021 – 03/2024
Sourb Astvatsamayr MC, Neurosurgeon

12/2020 - 02/2021
Ambulance, Docotor on duty

07/2020 - 09/2020
Spitak MC, Doctor on duty

10/2019 - 11/2020
Ambulance, Medical assistant

08/2015 - 03/2019
Ritm Farm CJSC, Pharmacist
Vahagn Matevosyan
Neurosurgeon, pediatric neurosurgeon
Vahagn Matevosyan
Neurosurgeon, pediatric neurosurgeon
+374 12 345 678
01.09.1997-01.08.2003 Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi
06/2011 - 08/2024 Medical Center "Surb Astvatsamayr", neurosurgeon
2004 –2007 Clinical residency, Medical Center "Erebouni"
* Dear visitor, the prices of the services presented on the website are indicative and may be changed at the moment. Please pay attention to the cost of the service presented to you during registration.
** Consultations for patients who are not RA citizens will vary between 25,000-30,000 AMD, and the cost of surgical interventions will depend on their type.
Մանկական նյարդավիրաբուժություն
Մանկական նյարդավիրաբուժություն
Consultation Eduard Asatryan
20 000
14 000
Bandaging, removal of stitches
15 000
Minor interventions
30 000
Conservative treatment (1st day)
50 000
Conservative treatment (2nd and subsequent days)
30 000
Lumbar puncture (without sedation)
50 000
External ventricular/lumbar drainage (drainage system price not included)
300 000
Ventriculo-subgalaeal shunting (drainage system price not included)
350 000
Surgical treatment of depressed skull fracture (reposition)
550 000
Surgical treatment of depressed skull fracture (resection)
450 000
Epidural hematoma
600 000
Acute subdural hematoma
700 000
Chronic subdural hematoma
600 000
Хирургическая обработка очага ушиба головного мозга
900 000
Removal of intracerebral hematoma
900 000
ICP sensor implantation (sensor price not included)
350 000
ICP sensor implantation (sensor price not included) and decompression craniotomy
1 000 000
Decompression craniotomy
950 000
Spine stabilization (transpedicular fixation, price of implants not included)
700 000
Resection of covexity brain tumor
950 000
Stereotactic brain tumor biopsy (price of biopsy needle not included)
650 000
Brain tumor biopsy
700 000
Resection of deep brain tumor
1 450 000
Resection of skull tumor
800 000
Resection of spinal cord tumor (price of neuromonitoring and implants not included)
1 200 000
Endoscopic fenestration of arachnoid cysts of the brain
800 000
Installation of Ommaya reservoir (price of implant not included)
450 000
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
700 000
Ventriculo/cysto-peritoneal shunting (price of implant not included)
600 000
Shunt system revision (1 segment)
400 000
Shunt system revision (2 or more segments)
600 000
Ventriculo/cysto-atrial shunting (price of implant not included)
800 000
Simultaneous endoscopic and shunting surgery
1 000 000
Removal of brain abscess (+ cost of treatment for 14 days)
1 150 000
Removal of subdural empyema (+ cost of treatment for 14 days)
1 150 000
Removal of epidural empyema (+ cost of treatment for 14 days)
950 000
Surgical treament of craniosynostosis (price of implant not included)
800 000
Correction of spinal dysraphism in newborns
800 000
Correction of diastematomyelia, tethered spinal cord, meningo/lipo/myelo/radiculocele
900 000
Surgical treatment of myelomeningocele
600 000
Surgical treatment of encephalocele
750 000
Cranioplasty of minor skull defects (price of implant not included)
600 000
Cranioplasty of large skull defects (price of implant not included)
900 000
Removal of soft tissue lesions of the head
300 000
Minor neurosurgical interventions
450 000
Neurosurgical interventions under local anesthesia
50 000
Conservative treatment of traumatic brain injury
600 000
Conservative treatment of spine injuries
400 000
Removal of intervertebral disc hernation (discectomy) using endoscoipic assistance
800 000
Microsurgical removal of intervertebral disc herniation (discectomy)
650 000
Simple diagnostic operations for epilepsy (price of implant not included)
1 500 000
Complex diagnostic operations for epilepsy (price of implant not included)
2 500 000
Surgical treatment of simple forms of epilepsy (price of implant not included)
3 000 000
Surgical treatment of complex forms of epilepsy (price of implant not included)
3 500 000